Peer Reviewed Publications
Other Conference Publications
November, 2019
Arbel, L. & Amir, N. Invited Symbaline concert and lecture
Biennale du Son, La Mans, France, November 2019
September, 2019
Arbel, L., Schechner, Y. Y., & Amir, N. - A Liquid Sloshing Vibrato Mechanism for the Symbaline; an Active Wine Glass Instrument;
The International Symposium on Music Acoustics (ISMA) - Detmold, Germany. Demo presentation.
Best demo award.
June, 2017
Arbel, L., Schechner, Y. Y., & Amir, N. - An Electromagnet Based Wine Glass Instrument. The International Symposium on Music Acoustics (ISMA) - Montreal, Canada Oral presentation.
September, 2015
Arbel, L., Schechner, Y. Y., & Amir, N. - Methods for Exciting Wine Glassesy Coupling to Plucked Strings - Theory and Experiment.Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics - Vienna, Austria. Oral presentation.